How to Get Rid of Zits

Teenagers across the world as well as many adults want to know how to get rid of zits. Regardless of your age, race, or sex, everyone at some point in their life has a few battles with blemished skin. Sometimes the best solution for this problem are the home remedies that people have been using for years, but other times you may need a little medication to completely rid your face of those dreaded zit outbreaks.

Before you start picking at your face or buying expensive medications, it is very important to know what zits are. Zits, as you may already know, are a slang term given to pimples. Each pore on your face is constantly producing an oily substance called sebum that protects and lubricates the skin. The problem is that these pores get clogged with skin cells that have been shed and remain on the face. Now that the pore is clogged, it becomes a breeding ground for bacteria that is trapped in the pore. This is why zits form and the surrounding area becomes red and puffy. Now that you know where they come from, let's talk about how to get rid of zits.

There are home remedies for getting rid of bruises and getting rid of dark circles under your eyes, so it's only natural that they have a home remedy for zits. One treatment is the use of toothpaste on the affected area. Basically you would apply a small dab before you go to bed at night and then wash it off in the morning. The toothpaste works like a sponge and completely dries out the affected area and dislodges any oil that may be stuck in the pore. This is great for those that have the occasional pimple pop and would like to get rid of it as soon as possible.

Another home remedy for zits is to dab fresh lemon juice on the area where you have pimples. Again you would do this before you go to bed and then wash off in the morning with warm water. You may need to repeat this process for a few days, but it will most certainly clear up your face. So now if someone asks you how to get rid of zits, you can share one of these helpful home remedies with them and quite possibly make their little pimple problem a little bit easier to manage.

Now that you know how to get rid of zits you don't have to stress out over them which could make your face more oily and create more problems for you. Simply try one of the techniques above...if this doesn't work, you may need a pimple medication or natural treatment, both of which can read more about on this site.