Natural Acne Skin Care

Natural acne skin care involves treating breakouts and blemished skin with natural treatments, rather than surgical procedures and harsh medications. For many people, these alternative remedies can provide an effective, safe solution to their skin problems.

Treating acne can be difficult as each individual will respond differently to different treatment methods. The first step is determining what might have caused the breakout. Once that is determined, you can look into a conventional or natural acne cure.

Allergies to food or cosmetics are frequently responsible for the onset of acne in adults, while adolescent-onset acne is generally the result of increased oil (sebum) production by glands in the skin in response to (lots and lots of) hormones. Although not much can be done about hormones, an important first step in natural acne skin care for both types is a careful evaluation of any changes in diet or skin care products that coincide with the onset or worsening of acne symptoms. Stress and potential environmental factors should also be considered, as well as any family history of allergies.

Perhaps one of most effective natural acne remedies is modifying both the content and balance of the foods we eat. A definite correlation has been shown to exist between acne and diets that are too high in fat and too low in fiber. This is because both dietary fat and excess toxins in the body promote increased sebum production in the skin, which in turn promotes acne and other skin disorders. A diet based on whole, unprocessed foods, including fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grain breads, and cereals can help in removing excess fat and toxins from the body before they are secreted through the skin.

Increasing the intake of Omega-3 fatty acids, either as part of the diet or as a nutritional supplement, is also recommended as a natural acne skin care treatment. These essential fatty acids (EFAs) are derived from coldwater fish like tuna and salmon, and from dark leafy green vegetables, flaxseed oils, and some vegetables. Although the effectiveness of the Omega-3s in treating acne is not yet fully understood, they have been shown to reduce, and sometimes eliminate, acne and other inflammatory skin conditions.

In addition to a healthy diet, supplements of vitamins A, E, and B6 are often beneficial in reducing acne and promoting overall skin health. Vitamin A, an important antioxidant and immune system enhancer, is effective in reducing the production of sebum. Vitamin E enhances the absorption and utilization of vitamin A, and vitamin B6 may be helpful in the treatment of acne resulting from hormonal changes in the body, especially before and during the menstrual period.

Some patients with acne also find herbal treatments to be helpful natural acne cures. When used topically on the affected area, herbs like tea tree oil and lavender can act as antimicrobial or anti-inflammatory agents. When taken internally, herbs (like Burdock) can prompt the elimination of toxins from the body or act as an antibiotic (like Echinacea).

Nutritional studies have shown that patients with moderate to severe acne share a deficiency of zinc, and that zinc supplements are an effective natural acne skin care treatment. A necessary component in the oil-producing glands of the skin, zinc helps in the healing of infected tissue and the prevention of scarring. Several studies have found zinc to be as effective in clearing up acne as antibiotics or Accutane, but with none of unwanted side effects generally associated with these prescription treatments. Zinc is especially effective in the form of zinc gluconate and zinc sulfate.

One of the most effective natural acne remedies is a new product called Acuzine, which contains herbal extracts as well as antioxidants that can not only treat acne, blackheads and skin blemishes, but also alleviate acne scarring and prevent future breakouts from occurring.

Natural acne skin care is a growing segment of the healthy and beauty market, and there are a number of choices for clearing up your skin, from creams to pills to herbal remedies. Talk to your dermatologist to learn about your options, and discover if a natural acne cure is right for you.