Increased oil production and hormonal changes, such as are found in teenagers, prove too much for the skin to handle and the problem often becomes uncontrollable. Heredity can play a part in just how pronounced the problem is. If a parent suffered from severe acne, most likely the children will be more prone to cystic acne also. Nodules and cysts that produce inflammation and pus on the skin are common symptoms. These lesions can last for months and cause pain and damage to the skin.
Sufferers wonder how to get rid of cystic acne. A good starting point is getting medical assistance and guidance from a dermatologist. He or she might recommend acne surgery, which entails draining and extracting acne lesions. A dermatologist uses sterile instruments to extract imbedded lesions that have not responded to traditional treatments. Another answer to how to get rid of cystic acne is Interlesional Corticosteroid Injections. A dermatologist will inject a mild corticosteroid directly into an inflamed legion. This causes elimination of the cyst slowly over a period of a few days.
No matter what the causes of cystic acne, Isotretinoin can also work to clear up problem skin. Sold as Accutane, it is a prescription drug derived from a man-made form of vitamin A. It is a pill, taken orally, for a range of about 5 to 6 months that lessens the production of sebum in the pores. Accutane has many benefits as well as many side effects, so it's important to learn about these before beginning treatment. But, this drug may be one answer to how to get rid of cystic acne. Accutane’s benefit is clear skin that lasts for years, sometimes with only one treatment. A second treatment may be taken if results are not as positive as the patient desires.
Another potential cystic acne cure is a product called Acuzine, which is a natural alternative to prescription meds such as Accutane and Retin-A. This is a special herbal formula with antioxidants that can treat problem skin from the inside out.
While the exact causes of cystic acne remain unknown, there are ways to safely and effectively treat the problem if you or your child experiences it. Speak to your dermatologist and find out how to get rid of cystic acne once and for all.