Vitamin D prevents fractures

Vitamin D prevents fractures

Supplements of vitamin D3 are effective in treating the wide variety of diseases. Recently, bone fractures in individuals older than 65 have been reduced more than 20%.

Supplements of vitamin D reduces hip fractures, leg and arm, which are typically associated with aging. It seems that the people who suffer frequently from these fractures may be deficient in vitamin D.
Miracle Supplement
Vitamin D is proving to be the first supplement to the miracle of the twenty-first century. Cure all acne to aging. But vitamin D is not your typical vitamin, because it is a coenzyme, an enzyme used to keep the part of the molecules or to transport the electrons. Vitamin D, in contrast, acts as a steroid hormone that binds to a cytoplasmic receiver, moves to the nucleus and modifies gene expression. To make matters even more complex of the vitamin D in the skin can also be done using the precursors of cholesterol and the energy of sunlight.
Vitamin D is the sunshine vitamin
If all it takes is cholesterol and sunlight to make vitamin D, so why is there such an epidemic of vitamin D? The answer seems to be a combination of solar and the poor are afraid. The public service announcements of the dangers of sun exposure in increasing the skin cancer may have succeeded. By avoiding the noonday sun sunlight remaining, protective clothing suitable for wearing and using sunblock can reduce the production of vitamin D from the skin. The higher skin pigmentation also reduces vitamin D.

The inflammation can affect the production of vitamin D
It can also be the case that the increasing chronic inflammation, resulting from the diets of starch and oils with omega-6 and vitamin and mineral gear, can contribute to the observed prevalence of deficiencies of vitamin D. The deficiencies found in people routinely exposed to high levels of sunlight is consistent with compromised production of vitamin D from diet.
Regulation of calcium in bone
Vitamin D is normally associated with the absorption of calcium in the skeletal bone and osteoporosis has been associated with low dietary deficiency of vitamin D and calcium The many processed foods are now supplemented with calcium and vitamin D to help in the production of strong bones.
Lack of vitamin D dominant
Low blood vitamin D is associated with numerous diseases including multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, type I diabetes, cancer, dementia, tuberculosis, periodontal disease and hypertension. Clearly, the lack of vitamin D is dominant and problematic, but a recent study also found that the majority of patients diagnosed with Vitamin D deficiency contributing to a disease, were treated with supplements of vitamin D and still remain lacking. The supplements were inadequate to eliminate the lack, and there was inadequate follow-up to confirm that the failures were resolved. Current recommendations are for the completion of 1-2000 IU / day of vitamin D3, but even this level may be inadequate to achieve optimal levels.

The completion of a high level of vitamin D reduces bone fractures
Another recent study has shown that bone health in individuals over 65 years can be reduced by at least 20% with current inadequate even the recommendation of 400 IU per day. The reduction in fractures has been linked with the dose of completion. It would seem that very high doses of vitamin D3 (cholecalciferol) were safe and could even dramatically reduce the risk of bone fractures and hip in older individuals or chronically inflamed.
Bischoff-Ferrari, Willett WC, Wong JB, EA Stuck, HB Staehelin, Orava EJ, Thoma A, Kiel DP, J. Henschkowski 2009. Prevention of nonvertebral fractures with oral vitamin D dose and dependence: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Med interior of the arc. March 23, 169 (6): 551-61.